Rabu, 9 Mac 2011

Wedding Kak Da

Here we go....

i'm super xcited coz get off on friday and can go back home...home sweet home together can go to kak hilda's wedding...

at the event...right before 'sanding'
my buddies also come to my house...thanks to them...& sorry for any inconvenient...

wif pinky azieda...
kak zie and family also come...

wif kak zee's family and kak hilda....
during the events....'sosek-sosek' during the wedding n look at the hantaran...!!!!hehe...
the hantaran....

lovely cup cake...
'hantaran' to groom..
the 'pelamin' aka 'singgahsan'...
the bride & groom of the day...

kak hilda....

makan beradap....

candid work...

paddy field...in front of my house...


the paddy..if u not know...hehe

neetto cross the 'parit' to go to my house...need to learn to balance urself...

hehe!!!.....mine not afraid at all due always play with it..during my childhood...really enjoyed it...after all, home sweet home...miss my dad wherenever c the paddy field..also my grandma...my mom of course...

HoMe SweEt HoMe...

1 ulasan:

  1. by the way, wedding kak da actually on 4th of March 2011..the akad nikah were done night before...
