ngaja KP1 this semester..together with Research Foundation...
xkhatam lagi...
untuk KP1..
ada 10 chapters...
basically will cover the quantitative matter...
Section 1: Introduction for the Educational Research
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Research Cycle
Chapter 3: Quantitative Research
Chapter 4: Development of Instrument and Questionnaires
Section 2: SPSS in the Educational Research
Chapter 5: Introduction to the SPSS (PASW)
Chapter 6: SPSS operations and procedure
Chapter 7: Normality Testing
Chapter 8: Descriptive Statistics
Chapter 9: Inferential Statistics - Parametric
Chapter 10: Inferential Statistics - Non-Parametric
Basically, for the Research Foundation, will use the same materials.
but will refer to their own proforma.
Hope will teach the students well for this semester.
At the same time, will update/revise/add-in/on on my research proposal also.
study the theory behind it/what is the problem/why do you want to do the research/will settle about the sample/population of your study before fly to UK...
if there is a will, there must be a way...
InsyaAllah, God-Willing...
Mas, do ur very BEST...
Remember; the sun will always rises in the east, and sets in the west (matahari terbit di timur dan tenggelam di sebelah barat).
" When u struggle to reach for something u don't know (indeed in your case, u know that u want to get the phd certificate so that u can teach; also u want to improve ur skills abilitiy, ur language skills and much more that u want to do and improve for the betterness), that's where the most interesting stuff is "
"We must become the CHANGE we wish to see"
- Mahatma Gandhi, Indian nationalist and spiritual leader
Indeed, dlm Quran juga disebut beberapa kali dimana Allah tdk akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu kecuali mereka mengubahnya sendiri dgn usaha, amal dan istiqamah.
Teringin melihat adik / insan tercinta/ anak anda BERJAYA, anda harus tunjuk dan buktikan kpd mereka y anda tlebih dahulu mampu berjaya
Mahu melihat insan2 di sekeliling anda lebih PEKA DAN PRIHATIN terhadap alam sekitar, anda harus ubah persepsi, mentaliti dan gaya hidup anda tlbih dahulu agar selari dgn hasrat anda
Mahu rakan2 anda lebih bijak menjaga SANTUN DAN AKHLAK, anda harus pamerkan keperibadian anda y ikhlas bukan menunjuk2 agar dpt dijadikn model teladan y baik
Mahu HASIL KERJA KUMPULAN anda cemerlang, anda harus tunjukkan y anda mampu 'perform more than what is expected'
Mahu insan lain syg dan CINTA kan anda seadanya, anda harus tlebih dahulu muhasabah diri disusuli penambahbaikn kendiri supaya anda hargai nikmat diri y dikurniakn Ilahi, kenali diri dan syg pd diri sdiri
So Mas,
Do make sure;
See your goals;
Understand the obstacles;
Create a positive mental pictures;
Clear your mind of self doubt;
Embrace the challenge;
Stay on track;
Show the world you can do it......
it is the SUCCESS
Best Regards
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