Selasa, 30 April 2013

Blanje Mamam!!!

Bestnyer dan TAHNIAH pada kawan2 yg dah Viva...

happy for them...

picture taken during those GREAT moments.

Banksy's day...

      "Sharing good times with good friends is the greatest joy. This is the stuff that makes life worthwhile. Whether sharing a meal together or a good conversation, there is nothing more fulfilling then spending time with friends. We must be thankful for the friendships that come our way for not all are blessed with the skills to form deep relationships. Those of us that do have friends must never take for granted the gift bestowed upon us".

True friends are hard to find,
but there you are you came into my life.
You came to me in a perfect time,
I'm so happy you're a friend of mine.

Halim's BiG DaY...Congrats....

Khamis, 11 April 2013

Instructional Research Design

Product Research Design_Assoc. Professor supyan Hussin by Tuan Mastura Tuan Soh

Professor Inaugral Lecture

Dear Friends, Colleagues, Students

You are cordially invited to Professor Inaugral Lecture (Syarahan Perdana) by Professor Lilia Halim entitled "Pendidikan Sains dan Pembangunan Masyarakat Berliterasi Sains" on Friday, 19 April 2013, 8.30am, 5th Floor, Senate Room, Chancellory Building, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.

For those of you overseas and are unable to attend, you can acess the live streaming on the UKM website at

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Constructive Allignment (CA) in Education