Selasa, 5 April 2011

Journl of Applied Research in Education


my paper present in BRUNEI on MAY 2010 were selected and publish in JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH IN EDUCATION....

really happy coz guessing will be publish in Procedia only...

but finally selected to be publish in JOURNAL...

this is why i LOVE writing....


Thanks to ALLAH...

the cover of the journal...

the document already scan and save in pdf..

already uploaded in scribd..

help urself to read through this link...

happy reading everybody..

backache...need rest.

this month maybe just 'tanam anggur'

didn't ask my boss whether want continue or not the job...

so just DO the routine work +prepare ppt for my VIVA...

act the ppt almost complete but now try ew software to do the presentation...

so need polish some more....

will ensure the ppt complete wihin th week...


all da best TMTS...