My Coret-coret aka MyLife
Ahad, 27 Oktober 2013
Selasa, 16 Julai 2013
Happy Fasting Everyone!!!
Reminder to TMTS. Eat
before hungry, stop eating before full. Never go and buy food when you're
hungry because you'll be buying a feast, because when you are full, even food
as big as an ant will be too much. 'A drop of water to a drowning man is a drop
too many but a drop of water to a man dying of thirst is a drop too little'.
Cara Penulisan Problem Statement...
Contoh penulisan problem statement yang boleh dirujuk....
credit to Dr OT
Penulisan Problem Statement
Science education in Malaysia in general has been in the limelight mainly due to the many negative testimonies on the outcomes of science learning. Reports done by the Examination Syndicate Ministry of Education Malaysia regarding the chemistry performance in the Malaysian Certificate of Education examination for example, found that most students failed to acquire basic conceptual understandings (MOE, 2004a) and had problems with analyzing abstract processes and failed to classify, synthesize and evaluate information.
[Ulasan : Secara umum dalam pendidikan sains wujud masalah pelajar gagal menguasai basic conceptual understanding in science, dengan citation dari MOE]
Specifically in chemistry education, one of the current aims of teaching chemistry in Malaysia is to provide students with the knowledge and skills that would enable them to solve problems from specific types of calculations to open-ended situations. However, the latest findings of the SPM Performance Report 2003 (MOE, 2004a) by the Examination Syndicate regarding the chemistry performance in the Malaysian Certificate of Education examinationare incongruent with this aim. It was found that the “majority of candidates did not understand and master the concepts of chemistry” (MOE, 2004a, p.14). In particular, the report found weaknesses in the answering of electrochemistry-related questions and concluded that the majority of candidates failed to acquire basic conceptual understandings (MOE, 2004a).
[Ulasan: Lebih khusus dalam pendidikan kimia, wujud masalah yang sama, dengan citation dari laporan dari MOE]
In addition to the weaknesses reported by the Examination Syndicate, a study by Che Lah and Loke (2004) revealed that secondary students in Malaysiahave difficulties in proper understanding of abstract electrochemical processes, such as:
1. Students think that two different metals are used in a galvanic cell because they have different electrical charges.
2. Students know that electrons should be written in half-equations but do not know how to write the equation.
3. Students are confused when identifying an electrode as anode or cathode.
[Ulasan: Lebih khusus lagi dalam tajuk yang terlibat dalam kajian, ada kajian tempatan menyatakan masalah yang sama. Ini menguatkan masalah itu memang benar2 wujud]
[INGAT…. Kajian tempatan SANGAT PENTING bagi menggambarkan konteks sebenar masalah yang anda akan kaji]
From the perspective of teaching, recent research by Daud (2003) revealed that a majority of chemistry teachers in Malaysia use the direct transmissionapproach to explain and draw electrochemical cells, whilst students passivelylisten and take notes. He stated that there were cases where chemistry teachers tried to cover the syllabus as quickly as possible in order to give more attention to tackling examination questions. These views are consistent with those of Hutchinson (2000, p.3), when he claimed that in general, chemistry in the United State of America is taught to students mostly based on “expository and explanatory statements of concepts and applications…clearly the pervasiveness of traditional approach.”
[Ulasan: Dari aspek pengajaran (kerana kajian ini berkaitan pengajaran) masalah kelemahan memahami konsep disumbangkan juga oleh pendekatan pengajaran oleh guru, bukan sahaja dari bukti kajian tempatan malah ada citation luar negara juga]
Therefore in such situations, the implementation of constructivist strategies for conceptual change in teaching and learning science through animation which emphasizes an active search for meaning and understanding by individual students is crucial in the context of Malaysian science education system. By doing so, students are engaged in learning that involves them in constructing personal meaning for conceptual change of the subject matter.
[Ulasan: Setelah anda mengemukakan masalah…. Jeng jeng jeng….. tiba masanya anda mengemukakan cadangan anda dengan ayat “Therefore in such situations, the implementation of constructivist strategies for conceptual change in teaching and learning science through animation……..”]
· Pelajar sains secara umum gagal menguasai konsep asas sains
· Pelajar kimia secara khusus gagal menguasai konsep eletrokimia
· Guru amalkan direct transmission maka pelajar yang pasif
credit to Dr OT
Penulisan Problem Statement
Othman Talib (2005)
Statement of Problem
[Ulasan : Secara umum dalam pendidikan sains wujud masalah pelajar gagal menguasai basic conceptual understanding in science, dengan citation dari MOE]
[Ulasan: Lebih khusus dalam pendidikan kimia, wujud masalah yang sama, dengan citation dari laporan dari MOE]
1. Students think that two different metals are used in a galvanic cell because they have different electrical charges.
2. Students know that electrons should be written in half-equations but do not know how to write the equation.
3. Students are confused when identifying an electrode as anode or cathode.
[Ulasan: Lebih khusus lagi dalam tajuk yang terlibat dalam kajian, ada kajian tempatan menyatakan masalah yang sama. Ini menguatkan masalah itu memang benar2 wujud]
[INGAT…. Kajian tempatan SANGAT PENTING bagi menggambarkan konteks sebenar masalah yang anda akan kaji]
[Ulasan: Dari aspek pengajaran (kerana kajian ini berkaitan pengajaran) masalah kelemahan memahami konsep disumbangkan juga oleh pendekatan pengajaran oleh guru, bukan sahaja dari bukti kajian tempatan malah ada citation luar negara juga]
[Ulasan: Setelah anda mengemukakan masalah…. Jeng jeng jeng….. tiba masanya anda mengemukakan cadangan anda dengan ayat “Therefore in such situations, the implementation of constructivist strategies for conceptual change in teaching and learning science through animation……..”]
· Pelajar sains secara umum gagal menguasai konsep asas sains
· Pelajar kimia secara khusus gagal menguasai konsep eletrokimia
· Guru amalkan direct transmission maka pelajar yang pasif
Khamis, 16 Mei 2013
Happy Teacher's Day! Selamat Hari Guru
The WAY you teach...
The KNOWLEDGE you share...
The CARE you take...
The LOVE you shower..
Makes you...
The world's BEST TEACHER
Happy Teacher's Day!
Selamat Hari Guru
*untuk semua guru2 especially guru2ku yang tersayang..guru2 SK Jeram,SMK Kamil, MRSMKT, UTM Skudai dan UKM Bangi.
*dan kepada semua sahabat yang bergelar GURU, Selamat Hari Guru
Khamis, 9 Mei 2013
Bulan Rejab_11Mei 2012_Sabtu
Quote from Ms Hyree's Page:
Saudaraku, sabtu ini 11 mei 2013 sudah mulai bulan 🌙 rejab bulan🌙 dimana catitan 📖 amalan kita ditutup📖 dan diserahkan🎁 kepada Allah SWT dan diganti yg baru. 📂 Sebelum catitan📝 amalanku ditutup 📖sy ingin memohon maaf🙏 kepada Saudara tolong mohon di ampun 🙏dan di maafkan🙏 semua kesalahan ❌dan dihalalkan ✅ yg termakan🍜 dan terminum ☕..
Jomm Share dgn saudara2 kita
kerana "Barang siapa yg memperingatkan bulan Rejab kepada saudara2 semuslimnya maka api neraka 🌋 diharamkan menyentuhnya..
PRU13-Family Momentos....
sempena pru13...
balik mengundi as warganegara MALAYSIA...
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2 beranak |
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taking picture before going back to kl...huhu... |
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with dearest mom.. |
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gamba dr phone kdah_hope our family dirahmati Allah sentiasa...InsyaAllah... |
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husband n wife...moga kekal bahagia hingga ke jannah bersama anak2 yg soleh dan solehah...amin.... |
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suka suki b4 bertolak..banyak gak snap pict..hehe |
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kak dah n mom... |
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dalam kete..hantar mek n danish to clinic...danish sakit mata...kene ketik ko pirah...hehe |
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kak jung senyum meleret....jangan mare ar kakjung... |
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menghalang the effect of it, dark translate nih.. |
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same picture i think..but dah upload lagi skali..main taram letak je la... |
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abe zam shy shy cat...kene paksa senyum..hehe |
Selasa, 30 April 2013
Blanje Mamam!!!
Bestnyer dan TAHNIAH pada kawan2 yg dah Viva...
happy for them...
picture taken during those GREAT moments.
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Banksy's day... |
"Sharing good times with good friends is the greatest joy. This is the stuff that makes life worthwhile. Whether sharing a meal together or a good conversation, there is nothing more fulfilling then spending time with friends. We must be thankful for the friendships that come our way for not all are blessed with the skills to form deep relationships. Those of us that do have friends must never take for granted the gift bestowed upon us".
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True friends are hard to find, but there you are you came into my life. You came to me in a perfect time, I'm so happy you're a friend of mine. |
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Halim's BiG DaY...Congrats.... |
Selasa, 23 April 2013
Catatan (Atom)