Selasa, 17 April 2012

Observe practical students

just nak share regarding observe practical students...follow Prof Subahan to observe his students..

Venue: SMK Maahad Hamidiah, Kajang
Practical Students: Mohd Arif (Physics), Asnarita (TESL), Aimi (Chemistry)

yang betul2 observe hanya Arif and Asnarita...Aimi Prof Subahan yang observe. masa tue tengah observe Arif.

quiet interesting...coz sebelum nie, hanya follow je Dr or Prof observe...xbrpe nak critic...but for today, also contribute something...comment to them where the teaching method inappropriate...unnecessary thing...unrelated matter...or something that they should stress out while teaching...having discussion with them after the observing process...

hope this also will guide me later on in my teaching...insyaallah...

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